Philip Aguirre y Otegui
Antwerp Art Weekend 2016 - Little HISK , ism Sofie Van de Velde Gallery
Little HISK (An
Philip Aguirre y Otegui, Jo Foulon, Geert Goiris, Nick Hullegie, Lien Hüwels, Ariane Loze, William Ludwig Lutgens, Joke Raes, Anne Van Boxelaere, Ruth van Haren Noman
Little HISK
19/05 – 22/05
Extra: 20/05, 19:00, food & drinks
Gatehouse of the former Military Hospital
2018 Antwerpen
About Little HISK
During the Antwerp Art Weekend: from Thursday 19 till Sunday 22 May 2016 at the gatehouse of the former Military Hospital, Hospitaalplein, 2018 Antwerp (opposite LLS 387)
The Higher Institute for Fine Arts (HISK) was housed until 2006 in what they call now “’t Groen Kwartier”, an image that is still printed in the memory of many of its inhabitants.
The only remnant of the old HISK site, the gatehouse, accommodates an exhibition entitled “Little HISK”.
The exhibition presents works by five former and five current HISK students and is curated by Ulrike Lindmayr (LLS 387), Paul Poelmans (CAPS), Eva Steynen (.Deviation(s)), Bart Vanderbiesen (Base Alpha Gallery) and Sofie Van de Velde (Sofie Van de Velde Gallery).